Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope my U.S. readers have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your families today. And to help others have a good day too, please don't shop at any stores opening before 4 a.m. tomorrow morning! I love Black Friday shopping as much as anyone else but I'm truly disgusted by retailers who don't allow their employees to enjoy our national holiday by forcing them to work either during the holiday or mere hours into the next day. Show them it's not worth it by staying home.

Anyway enjoy your day!

And do shop at your favorite independent bookstore this weekend!


R. J. said...

Have a good holiday. I like this holiday that gives us something everyone in the country can enjoy together and agree is a good idea. We often don't agree on very much. This holiday seems to bring us together.

Vasilly said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Alexia561 said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

And I agree with you that it's disgusting that retail employees can't enjoy the day with their families if they have to report to work for a midnight opening. That's just wrong!

Amy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Marie. I totally agree about the stores, ugh.

Beth F said...

Happy Holiday to you!

bermudaonion said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. I didn't do any Black Friday shopping.

Alyce said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! And I totally agree with you about the stores opening on Thanksgiving day.