Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crafturday: A Christmas Ornament

I haven't made a lot of ornaments in the past couple of years; I used to do a batch a year at least but my tree has filled up and there isn't really room for a lot of new ones. This year I made one ornament, a wool felt Dalek, as a present for Jeff.

I drafted my own pattern; the dalek is about six inches tall. The hardest part was cutting out all those little circles and securing them on with a cross stitch. It took me a few days to make it; the only time I had was about a half hour in the evening before Jeff got home from work. I gave it to him a day early; he liked it!


rhapsodyinbooks said...

How totally adorable! Is this the first of a theme for them, or do you have other Dr. Who ornaments from previous years?

Marie Cloutier said...

Jill, it's the first Doctor Who ornament I've made :-)

bermudaonion said...

I had to google Dalek to find out what one is. Boy, am I out of it. You did a great job on the ornament!

Col (Col Reads) said...

Adorable! Happy New Year, Marie!

Zibilee said...

My son would love this!!! He just discovered Dr. Who over the past few months, and is totally ensnared. My husband would probably love it too! Great job with this!!

Kathleen said...

I used to make ornaments and really need to think about doing something like this for next year. My good intentions always seem to get lost in the busy pace of the holidays!