Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Finds- Will It Ever End?

Empire of the Summer Moon, by S.C.Gwynne, is about the history of the Comanche Native American tribe. After reading Dee Brown's masterful Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, I was attracted to this new, acclaimed book about Native Americans.
The Murderess, by Alexandros Papadiamantis, is about an old woman on a small Greek island. It's a small book but it looks really great. Part of the problem I'm having is that there's almost no difference between doing my job and shopping for books all day. I found this while straightening shelves in the NYRB Classics section.
The Tennis Partner, by Abraham Verghese, is his memoir about a close friend who died. I had to round out my collection of Verghese books- and now I should actually read them!

That's it for me!  What did you add to your TBR pile this week? More Friday Finds at


Sandy Nawrot said...

I can't even fathom what it would be like to be surrounded by books all day long! The joy! The torture! I loved Cutting For Stone so I really REALLLLLLLY want to read this one.

bermudaonion said...

You're like a kid in a candy store at work! It looks like you picked up some great titles!

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I really want to read all the Verghese books too. And I want to reread Cutting for Stone this year as well!

ImageNations said...

I managed to share my new acquisitions: Two from Gordimer (The Conservationist and The Burger's Daughter); Aldous Huxley's Brave new world; G.A. Agambila's Journey and one or two others.

I reckon how difficult it might be to resist buying books if book buying is part of your work.

Zibilee said...

If I worked at the bookstore, I would never come home with a paycheck, but my bookshelves would be awesome! I can just see you straightening shelves all day and secreting books away to take home with you at the end of the day! What a dream job!

Unknown said...

I want your job.

bookspersonally said...

These look like some wonderful finds... a reminder I do need to read some Verghese, and the first two look especially interesting. Trying really hard to manage the incoming books right now until I can get a better handle on the current pile and get through the holidays... (but am really hoping to get Anita Desai's Artist of Disappearance from mom for Xmas!)