Wednesday, February 1, 2012

World Book Night!

Are you in?

World Book Night is an event during which people all over America and elsewhere are volunteering to give out copies of favorite books to strangers to encourage and promote literacy and reading in their community.

From the site:
We need book-loving volunteers to fan out across America on April 23, 2012! Just take 20 free copies of a book to a location in your community, and you just might change someone's life. Please sign up by Feb. 6 EST at midnight. 

The goal is to give books to new readers, to encourage reading, to share your passion for a great book. The entire publishing, bookstore, library, author, printing, and paper community is behind this effort with donated services and time. 

The first World Book Night was held in the UK last year, and it was such a big success that it's spreading around the world! Please volunteer to be a book giver in the U.S. Sign up now to be a book giver.

You choose books you'd like to give away from their list; I signed up for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian as well as two backup choices. You should have read the book you're given away, and you should love it, so you can be a great evangelist for it.

It costs you nothing, and it might help someone else discover the joys of reading. It's such a great opportunity to spread the word about a book you love! Sign up today. You have until February 6 to volunteer!


Unknown said...

I signed up. I wasn't going to, because I just don't think I'd get picked. But I'm excited for it!

Marie Cloutier said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad! good luck! I probably won't get picked but it never hurts to try!

Harvee said...

I hope I'm chosen to be a book giver. Hope I made the right answers on the application! Good luck!

Zibilee said...

Yay! I am signing up! Thanks for sharing this, Marie!

stacybuckeye said...

I'm in. I chose The Glass Castle. Going to be so much fun :)

Vasilly said...

I requested the same book. I can't wait to see which one we end up with.