Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Salon- Not Much Going On

Well it's Sunday again and I'm glad to be off my feet! St. Patrick's Day was fun but it's good to be home and getting a little relaxing time. Jeff is making oatmeal for breakfast and I plan a good long lie-in with some old Portlandia episodes and some tea.

Reading-wise, I'm deep into China MiƩville's latest book Railsea, coming out in May. I got the egalley version, which I rarely do; I only get egalleys if the print galley is unavailable and I'm willing to drop everything else and read it right away. That almost never happens! The book is interesting and dense; the plot is moving very slowly but it is moving. I'm also reading James Hamilton-Paterson's comic Cooking with Fernet Branca, about a pair of mismatched neighbors in rural Tuscany. It's a fun book.

I'm not sure what today will hold. I almost didn't bother doing a Sunday Salon today because I don't have too much to say. My family is doing a delayed St. Patrick's Day dinner, delayed because I worked last evening, and that should be fun. Otherwise I'm doing some errands and seeing some friends. I'm not sure there will be time to read until much later tonight!

What are you up to today? I hope you have a great Sunday. More Sunday Salon here.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oddly, I've never read China MiƩville. I've heard so many wonderful things about this author, too. Just never really gave this author a shot....

Here's my
Sunday Salon: Spring the Amazon?
I'd love to have you stop by!

bermudaonion said...

I think we're going to work in the yard, so I won't get much reading in either.

Sandy Nawrot said...

I'm glad you decided to post today! And who else would be worth an e-galley that Mr. Mieville! St Patty's just passed us right by. We were busy golfing and riding bikes and trying like maniacs to squeeze in as much fun in Kiawah before heading for Charleston.

Kathleen said...

The weather was rainy in California this weekend so I used it as an excuse to stay inside and read! Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Hope you have a nice week!

Mary said...

I will need to look for the China Mieville book when it comes out. I read The City and The City and loved it. You can't go wrong with Portlandia reruns. Especially if they're new to you. It's a hilarious show. And i live it, and it really is spot on all the time. I love this city of Portland where 'young people come to retire.' lol

ImageNations said...

Does Mieville release a book a year? Or is it my imagination, because I thought last year I heard of his 'new book' (Embassy Town or something like that).

Reading a political thriller novel of sorts The Chicken Thief by Fiona Leonard.

Audra said...

So deeply covetous of the Mieville!!

Zibilee said...

I will be curious to hear what you think of the new Mieville. I have one of his here on the shelf that I need to read soon. He's got such incredible talent with the pen. I don't think I will ever forget some of the scenes in Perdido Street Station.