I stole this from JoAnn at Lakeside Musing, one of my oldest blogging buddies. If you aren't reading her blog, go over there, read it, and come back.
Okay, you're back. Like JoAnn did, I tweaked mine a little too, to reflect my own reading habits and priorities.
Six new-to-me authors:
1. Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya
2. Sayed Kashua
3. Derek Raymond
4. Andrea Camilleri
5. Patrick Flanery
6. Niccolo Ammaniti
Six tried-and true authors:
1. Massimo Carlotto
2. Amara Lakhous
3. Dan Chaon
4. Stephen Benatar
5. Tayeb Salih
6. Angela Thirkell
Six books I loved:
1. Absolution by Patrick Flanery
2. The Goodbye Kiss by Massimo Carlotto
3. Moffie by Andre Carl van der Merwe
4. Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (review coming soon!)
5. He Died With His Eyes Open by Derek Raymond (review coming soon!)
6. Second Person Singular by Sayed Kashua
Six Countries I've Visited:
1. Italy
2. South Africa
3. Gabon
4. Israel
5. Sudan
6. India
Six blogging events I enjoyed:
1. ArmChair BEA
2. Telegraph Avenue readalong (ongoing)
3. Europa Challenge
4. Pin It and Do It challenge
5. Booker Challenge
6. Secret Garden readalong (though I forgot to post about it)
Six bookish things I'm looking forward to:
1. Reading Don Quixote on vacation
2. Finishing The Twelve
3. Boston Book Festival this fall
4. Book shopping in Italy!
5. Pin It and Do It, Round 2
6. Holiday book swaps
Six bookish things I'm happy about in 2012
1. All that crime fiction I'm reading now!
2. I love being a bookseller!
3. The Europa Challenge is still going strong.
4. My husband hasn't lost patience with my biblio-addiction.
5. It's fun to go outside my comfort zone sometimes.
6. It's fun to stay within it, too!
What's your mid-year summary look like? Any surprises, or has everything gone as planned?
Very timely, Marie. While making my list, I wanted to list six countries... then realized how narrow my reading has been this year. I posted this morning about expanding my horizons. Still need to read Absolution though!
P.S. Who are you calling old?? ;-)
Love these things.
they provide glimpses into people's reading habits. Thanks for sharing.
Love this summary - great job Marie (and Joann!)
The settings of your books are very diverse - I wonder what mine would look like if I itemized them.
You have some fun stuff to look forward to - especially that trip to Italy!
I never thought of making a mid-year summary! I laughed about your husband still supporting your habit. Thank goodness those husband people understand our beloved obsession.
oooh book shopping in Italy! Sounds dreamy :)
Love the mid-year summary idea, very cool way to log bookish goodness!
I just finished Second Person Singular. Ironically, I picked it up because of your blog. Thanks!
I suppose that should read: "Coincidentally."
Having an understanding significant other is wonderful! Sometimes I wonder if I would be as understanding as my husband if things were reversed. :)
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