But first I'm excited to announce I finished David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas over the weekend. I loved it! What a book. It's heavier lifting than I've been doing lately reading-wise; it's a complex and multi-layered story, stories built on stories, but I loved it. I'll have a full review later this week. Wow! I haven't seen the movie yet but I plan to. Have you read this or seen the movie? What did you think?
Now, about my six books!
- There's Life Itself, Roger Ebert's autobiography, on my nightstand. I always have a nonfiction book on my bedside table.
- Quiet, by Susan Cain, is on my iPod. I've been listening to it for a while now and really enjoying it. I should be finished in another week or two.
- I recently started The Islanders, by Christopher Priest. Recently out in paperback, it's another complicated puzzle book. I had to put it down until I finished Cloud Atlas because I couldn't really focus on two difficult books at once.
- Victorine, by Maude Hutchins, has been sitting in my TBR pile for a while and I'm honestly not crazy about it. I'll give it another shot but it may end up in the DNF pile.
- I've been working on Harry Hearder's Italy: A Short History, for a while, dipping in and out. More out than in lately!
- Finally I bought and started reading The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, by Ayana Mathis, when it was announced as the next Oprah pick. I have to say I'm really enjoying it. I'm about half-way through and looking forward to finishing and being able to recommend it to readers this holiday season.

I am really looking forward to the Twelve Tribes of Hattie --Oprah selected it for her club so it may be depressing but it sounds really good.
6 books! How do you decide which one to read when? I hope you love them all.
hey! It was getting to see you last week (and meeting your husband, too).
Way to go on finishing Cloud Atlas. That book still intimidates me and I"m not sure when I'll ever get around to it. I *really* liked Quiet, though.
Happy Holidays Marie,
The 12....... book is everywhere, glad your enjoying it.
Cloud Atlas is the best book I have read all year. I have a half written review from two months ago. Maybe I will finish in next two days and we can compare notes.
I am amazed that you are finished with Cloud Atlas so soon! It was such a difficult read for me, and I was not prepared to expend so much energy on it, so I had to put it down. I can't wait to read your review! Perhaps it will give me the courage to pick it back up!
OMG, six books! I had 4 going last week and thought I was going to lose my mind. :) Sounds like a good spread though. I'm currently working on The Uninvited by Liz Jensen, and Dreamcatcher by Stephen King.
I'm looking forward to your review of Cloud Atlas! That's one of those books I've always thought was just too difficult, but my husband really wanted to read it so I got him a copy for Christmas and I'm a little curious about it.... lol
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