Still reading Ratlines. I like it- I do- but it's taking a while. I hope to finish it this week!
I started Ian McDonald's The Dervish House this weekend. I only just started it so I don't have much to say so far but I am enjoying it. It's set in Istanbul in the near future, about the fallout of an explosion which appears to be some kind of terrorist attack at first. I heard about it at Readercon a couple of years ago and bought it once it was out in paperback in 2012. I'm glad to be getting to it finally. Stay tuned for more.
I put Life, Itself aside for now and picked up Ben MacIntyre's Agent Zigzag, a real life spy story about a petty criminal who spied for Germany then changed his mind to serve his native Britain in World War 2. So far I'm finding it exciting and well-written.
This past week I finished The Eyes of Venice, by Alessandro Barbero, which I enjoyed but didn't really love. I also finished Rebecca Miller's Jacob's Folly, which I did love. It's coming out in early March and I urge you to keep an eye out for it!
What are you reading? Hop over to to see more!
All new to me. My reading has been completely non existent recently. Am hoping it is going to improve now.
Just finished Little Criminals by Gene Kerrigan. What a treat! Thanks for introducing me to Europa. I am very excited about their new "Europa Noir" project.
Agent Zigzag sounds very interesting. I love books about the WWII era, but I hadn't heard of that one before. I'm off to see if my library has it! :)
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