Monday, December 2, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

With Thanksgiving last week and attendant family activities, I wasn't really big on blogging- obviously. I finished The Goldfinch as predicted and I set one book aside and started a couple of new ones. Because that's just the way I rock it.

Anyhoo I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I did. Did you shop at local independents on Small Business Saturday? The bookstore where I work had a very successful SBS and even had some local authors hand-selling and chatting with customers. Fun!

On to the books!
I'm nearly done with Jeannette Winterson's The Daylight Gate, and I have to say I'm loving it. She's just so good. It's about witches in medieval England and more suited to Halloween than Christmastime but there is no wrong time to read Jeannette Winterson. Ever.

I started reading Stanley Middleton's 1974 Booker Prize winner, Holiday, and I'm enjoying it. It's a classic old-school just-plain-well-written book about a failing marriage. Remember when good books didn't have to be flashy or experimental or trendy or whatever? Yeah, that.

And I put Ari Shavit's My Promised Land on my bedside table and read the first chapter, which is excellent. I think I mentioned that one last week but didn't actually start it until late last week. So there.

What about you? More It's Monday at


Nan said...

I am most interested in the Stanley Middleton. Thank you for mentioning him. I am all about NOT "flashy or experimental or trendy or whatever."

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'd be curious about Holiday.

I did a surprise off the shelf pick this weekend: Homecoming Party, Abate (Europa). I started reading it and never took a break until the end. It was under 200 pages so doable. It was very good.

Mystica said...

I do so like the sound of the Middleton book.

bermudaonion said...

I don't know how you read so many books at once - I'd end up sticking to the one I found most compelling.

I worked at a small business on Saturday and it was busy!

Harvee said...

One of these days I'll get a list of Booker winners to add to my reading! Holiday sounds like a refreshing read.

Book Dilettante