I finished The Day Will Pass Away, which was depressing, and read Eventide, by Therese Bohman, a very good Swedish writer whose books I always enjoy. This one was about a middle aged art professor who is teetering on a professional windfall. It is not a high-intensity page-turner by any stretch but an intensely character-driven study of midlife. Bohman gets women profoundly and her books are always arch and perceptive commentaries on the stages of a woman's life.

On the bedside table is still A.S. Byatt's A Whistling Woman. I'm finishing up David Sedaris's latest, Calypso, on audio. My nonfiction read right now is Madeleine Albright's Prague Winter, her memoir of World War 2 Czechoslovakia. I'm enjoying it but I'd bet I'd like it even more on audio than print, especially if she reads it. But the print is great.
What are you reading?
I'm reading two things, one is work related and one isn't. I'm reading Ready Player One and How to Survive a Stalker.
I just finished The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah Maclean and started The Art of Fielding!
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