Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Salon: Dipping into Don Quixote

Well my Early Jewish Literature class is 2/3 done and I finally participated in class LOL by emailing the teacher with a question. I'm loving the class; we only have two sessions left and I'm already in love with Don Quixote, the character and the book. We're only going to scratch the surface in this class but already I want to take a whole class and read the whole book with a good teacher (like the one I have!). I'd love to do the same with Ulysses too. It's just too bad I can't read Don Quixote in the original.

In other news... not much. Winter is pretty quiet in my neck of the woods (or north Jersey) and I'm doing my best to hibernate. Piano practice, language practice and writing exercises take up much of my time. I'm working my way through The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron's legendary course in creativity. It's fun.

Reading-wise I'm still doing course reading and will be for the rest of this week. Then I'll pick some new things off my TBR to dive into.

Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

Harvee said...

Good luck with and enjoy Don Quixote. We have quite a few major individuals these days tilting at windmills.