Saturday, April 20, 2024

Niantic Book Barn Angela Thirkell Shopping Spree


I got a chance to visit the Niantic Book Barn in Niantic, Connecticut, recently. The Book Barn is unique among the bookstores I've visited as being broken up into several stores throughout the town of Niantic. The main store is composed of a house that has several categories of nonfiction, and vast outdoor barns and stalls for fiction- mystery, general fiction, romance, etc. There are several other stores around town that are Book Barn stores that have science fiction, other categories of nonfiction, and even an antique store.

I spent most of my time, and all of my money, in the general fiction section.

I collect Angela Thirkell's Barsetshire novels; sometimes, I even read them. There are about 21 books in the series and I got a stack of Thirkells years ago at the Montague Book Mill. I was hoping to luck out here on this visit. I was not disappointed. I got all of the Thirkells pictured above, very nearly completing my Barsetshire collection. I think I only need two more now.

Very exciting!

When I'm done with Wheel of Time I'm going to make Barsetshire my next destination.

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