Why LT?
Why did you choose to open and maintain an LT account? Do you/did you use other online cataloging/social networking sites, like GoodReads or Shelfari? Do you use more than one? Are they different or do they serve different purposes?
My answer:
I started with Shelfari; I forget how I heard about it though. I cataloged some books, friended some random people, and then got bored with it. Since I disliked the interface and there was nothing much to do, I deleted my account. Around the same time I heard about LT at a library conference and decided to check it out. Liked it much better. I also use GoodReads, and I actually think GR compliments LT well. To me, GoodReads is the social site and LibraryThing is the geeky site. My library on GR is smaller and I don't tag as much, because I focus on using GoodReads for keeping in touch with friends- most/all of my GR friends are people I know in real life, not the case with LT where most of my friends are people I've met online. Which is not to say I don't love you LTers too. :-)
I decided to stick with GoodReads because when I created an account and ran my address book against its member list, it turned out that a friend I hadn't talked to in several years was a GR member and I saw an opportunity to get back in touch. Then I found a bunch of other friends on GR as well! Now I input books into GR only when I start reading them, to let my friends there know what I'm reading, but I don't put nearly the effort into that catalog as I do on LT.
Hey you are early this week - great question :)
My post is up at: http://presentinglenore.blogspot.com/2008/06/library-thing-tuesday-4.html
My answer is here.
Here's mine!
Good morning, all! My answer's here:
Good question! My anwer is here.
My post is up. Also, FYI, my contest is ending at 9 pm EST.
Hi!hope having good day, my post is up
I like LT for two big reasons. One is that I can use a cue:cat to help me input my books a lot faster. The other is that they have the review book program, so it's another way to get review copies of books I'm interested in.
My post is up!
Here's mine! http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/2008/06/tuesday-thingers.html
Dovetails nicely with last week's question. Here's my reponse: http://printedpage.blogspot.com/2008/06/tuesday-thingers.html
I don't know what's gotten into me today but this lazy blogger has been on a role! My answer is at:
Hmm I wonder if there's anyone I know on GoodReads?
There's mine Calliope's Coffee House: Is LT Your Only Account?
It's always great to find friends you thought you'd lost. It's happened to me so many times now.
Here's mine!
I didn't know there were other cataloging sites.
Here's my answer:
Someone send me a comment about how you creat a link in the comments! I haven't figured out to do that yet.
Love the question! Here is my post at
A short lesson in HTML later...maybe I've got it:
The Tome Traveller's Weblog
I'm going to fall over if that actually works!
Sorry, guess I still need some instruction...
Sorry again for being so late! My answer is here.
oops! posted this morning, but didn't post the link
(struggling with html longhand ...we'll see what happens!)
Here is my post
I'm late!!! oh, am I always late!?
I had a date day with my hubby and we just got home...here is my post:
Mine is Here
Wish I knew how to create the "here" HTML link. Will have to investigate this once I get home from vacation. In the meantime, mine is up: http://www.randomwonder.com/2008/06/libraything-love.html
Well, I'm late (again), but my post is finally up!
Not only am I late anyway, but Blogger wouldn't let me post a comment yesterday. :-( Here's mine:
I know it's way past Tuesday, but here's my answer anyway. This was my first time with Tuesday Thingers, but it's probably not the last!
My late answer is here
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