Book of Ruth and Esther- from Pocket Canons 10-copy Boxed Set- Second Series, Books from the Bible. This is a quarter-sized slipcased set of 10 mini books, each covering a different book of the Bible and introduced by a different writer, artist or religious figure. The set I bought at a used bookstore was missing the tiny Book of Ruth and Esther. My husband found it for me online!
Black Jack, volume 1, by Osamu Tezuka. A recently-released series by the father of manga.
Kristin Lavransdatter, by Sigrid Unset. An epic life story of a fictional Scandinavian woman.
2666, by Roberto Bolano. An irresistable-looking literary thriller from Spain.
The Master and Margarita- the graphic novel version of Mikhail Bulgakov's classic fantasy. Very hard to find!
Small Endearments, by Sandi Fox. A lovely history of children's doll quilts- an interest of mine.
What It Is, by Lynda Barry. The latest by one of the queens of comics.
The Art of the Russian Matroyshka and The Art of the Creche. Two picture-book histories of two things that I collect and enjoy.
I think 2009 is going to be fun!
I have a copy of The Master & Marg. on my shelf, the book. I was reading Rushdie recently and he said he was reading that, among other things, when he wrote The Satanic Verses. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could see the influences.
As for your haul - whoa! Not since I was a child and used to get stacks of Nancy Drew for christmas have I gotten that many books from someone else. I never get books for gifts. Sometimes I get gift cards. You are very fortunate.
Candy, I am very blessed with generous friends and family. So no need to worry about me when it comes to books. :-)
Good reading in 2009! From the looks of it, with these and other books, you will be keeping the pages turning!
Santa was very kind! Looks like some great books!
Awesome haul! I'm looking forward to digging into mine as I'm sure you are too.
wow, those are some great books.
happy reading :)
You must have been a good girl this year! ;)
Good start for the new year. I did not receive any books. But that is ok by me as I have too many to count right now. I did notice you have one book that I have from a Canadian Jewish author. I love to compare what others think of books. Holding My Breath. Let me know what you think. I am sure you will get to it faster than I.
Wow - looks like you've got plenty to read! 2666 looks interesting, but unfortunately my county doesn't have it in the library system.
Nice haul. I have Cat Miracles, and there are some really sweet stories in that collection. ENJOY Love your blog.
What a nice pile of books! How wonderful that you got so many books for Christmas! (Secretly trying very hard not to be jealous here.)
I got a very big kick out of my grandmother giving me a set of four Nancy Drew books -- I used to devour these as a kid. Also got both ends of the political spectrum with John McCain's "Hard Choices" and the newest Thomas Friedman "Hot, Flat and Crowded." Still am working on my family -- they still don't believe that I'd rather have a g.c. to Amazon or another book store than just about anything else!
Kirsten Lavransdatter! Save it for last so you can savor every page. One of my faves. Love your blog!
wow, that's a lot of book loot!
Boy, someone got spoiled! Happy reading!
Diary of an Eccentric
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