Thursday, July 2, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Celebrities

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Suggested by Callista83: Do you read celebrity memoirs? Which ones have you read or do you want to read? Which nonexistent celebrity memoirs would you like to see?

I've been known to read celebrity biographies or autobiographies, but rarely. I have be a big fan and I have to be in a giddy mood to spend the money on something fluffy. A while ago I read Duane "Dog" Chapman's autobiography; I really want to read William Shatner's book Up Till Now but haven't gotten around to buying it yet- though now that's it out in paperback, I can more easily justify the dollars! But what I'm really looking forward to is Kathy Griffin's upcoming autobiography, Official Book Club Selection, coming out this fall. I'm a huge fan of hers, and if someone, you know, wanted to send me a review copy or something, I can pretty much guarantee a positive review!

If you like these (or not!) you'll enjoy this video:

You can read more Booking Through Thursday posts here.


LorMil said...

I don't normally read celebrity memoirs, but read "Society's
child", by Janis Ian when it came out.

bermudaonion said...

I love memoirs, but usually skip those told by celebrities - I just don't think they have anything interesting to say.

Blodeuedd said...

A fan, nice :)
I am not on the other hand, just not the books for me

Harvee said...

I have read fictional accounts of celebrities but not the real thing, tho I'm scheduled to read Julie and Julia, a memoir that involves Julia Child.

Marie said...

I only read them if I am on a crazy kick about a certain person and need to know everything about them...
That's how I got into all those Elvis bios anyway (Last Train to Memphis, etc.)

gautami tripathy said...

Maybe I ought to check out William Shater or Nimoy!

I read memoirsb but I prefer to read about real people like Mahatma Gandhi, not celebrities!

Here is my BTT post!

Jess said...

Kathy Griffin is fantastic... can't wait for her book to come out!

Marie Cloutier said...

Jess- THANK YOU! Finally, someone who understands me!

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I'm not a memoir person anyway. Celebrities have the tabloids. Celebs

Anonymous said...

I've read a few memoirs, but not by celebrities.

Tasha said...

I have Steve Martin's Born Standing Up on my to-read list.

Anonymous said...

I am with blodeuedd...I've never read any memoirs of celebrity.

Tina K said...

I don't know if I could deal with a whole book by Shatner.

Sandra said...

I have read Books by David Niven and Peter Ustinov about their own lives but they had interested things to talk about. I can't imagine why anyone cares what these people wear, eat, or do in the bedroom. I'm old fashioned I guess. I have read writer's and poet's biographies. That film was hilarious. I hope you enjoy the Griffith book when you get it.

Oddly enough I know who that Chapman fellow is because the nurse who comes in to bathe and dress me is related to him. I don't watch television so other wise I probably wouldn't have heard of him. Does he have anything interest to say, and can he write well enough for the book to be enjoyable I wonder.

Marie Cloutier said...

Sandra, what a coincidence! Dog's book isn't bad. He's not John Updike but it's engaging enough. I linked to my full review in the BTT post; he has some good stories & interesting experiences. Mostly the book is just fun, which is how I feel about celeb bios in general, especially autobiographies. Sometimes it's nice not to always take oneself so seriously and just read something for the sheer fun of it.

Literary Feline said...

I don't often read celebrity memoirs. I tend to be more drawn to the memoirs of lesser known people. I think too there's a sense that with celebrities, I know just about everything already thanks to the news media. I know that isn't always true, but that sense is still there.