So today marks two full years of blogging. I have to admit I'm kind of proud.
Here's a link to my first day of posting. Fascinating stuff, no? No wonder I had no readers for the six months! Things didn't take off until I tapped into the burgeoning (and trendy) book blogging world and from then on it's been a lot of fun. Some fun facts:
- The original name of my blog was Another Librarian's Book Blog. Boston Bibliophile is better, right?
- The first review offer I received was from author Edward Hardy, for his book Keeper and Kid, which I enjoyed,
- My first author interview was with Eva Etzioni-Halevy, which was fun and lead to some others,
- A couple of months ago I was featured in the Macmillan newsletter for librarians, for my review of their novel The Tricking of Freya,
- I was the original host of the Tuesday Thingers meme about LibraryThing, now hosted by Wendi at Wendi's Book Corner,
- I did a weekly feature called Graphic Novel Monday for several months and still do the occasional graphic novel feature.
Professionally I'm still a librarian but I'm looking for other ways to get involved in the book world and if you have any ideas, I'm open to suggestions! (Email me privately if you do!)
Of course a big thank-you goes out to my readers and commenters- I wouldn't be able to blog without the great feedback I get everyday. Getting to know you, your blogs and what you like to read has been incredibly fun and rewarding and I know that whatever else happens with life and career, I'll continue blogging for a long time to come.
To celebrate, I'm going to give away a signed copy of that first book I received for review, Edward Hardy's Keeper and Kid.

Here are the rules:
- To enter, leave a comment here with your email address in the comment. Entries without an email address will be disregarded.
- One extra entry if you link to the giveaway and leave the link in the comments.
- Two extra entries if you tweet the giveaway and leave the link in the comments.
- Three extra entries if you are a follower or become one.
- The giveaway is open to the U.S. and Canada.
- I will use Random.org to choose a winner.
- Entries close at midnight EST on August 23. I will pick the winner on August 24 and contact him/her by the 25th. If I don't hear back from the winner with a mailing address within 7 days I will choose another winner.
CONGRATS AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Your blog was one of the VERY FIRST I ever read, and introduced me to the world of book blogging. And it is still one of my very very favourites. I look forward to following you for years to come! (no pressure :)
Happy Birthday! The book blogging world is pretty awesome, isn't it? Hope you'll be celebrating many years to come.
booklogged AT gmail DOT com
I forgot to add that I was a follower.
booklogged AT gmail DOT com
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Birthday :D
How the blogging years go by
Congratulations on your two year anniversary! That is quite the accomplishment in the blogging world.
Happy Anniversary! :D
Oh, and I'm also reading "True Diaries of a Part-time indian"... I'll be curious to read your thoughts on this one!
Happy blogoversary! Your blog was one of the first I found from LibraryThing, too, so thank you for that!
Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
Happy Blogiversay - I think you have a lot to be proud of! I subscribe in Google Reader. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
Congratulations to you! This is a great accomplishment. I've very much enjoyed reading your thoughts and can't wait to read more of your essays as you continue to expand your thoughts with us.
Happy Birthday!!!
This book looks amazing! Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I just became a follower of your blog.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
Congratulations on your anniversary! I'd love the enter the contest.
My email is sarah.parnass@hotmail.com.
And I tweeted about this on August 17 at 10:37AM.
(Don't enter me)
My own blog didn't become interesting until I also tapped into the Book Blogosphere! So glad I did of course.
I am off to read your first post, to see if it is as lame as mine.
Which all was lame for a few months as well. My reviews were not really reviews and are quite laughable now. LOL
More of like Hmm I'm not done with this book but I want to discuss it with myself so I am going to blog about it.
Enjoy your birthday.. Glad you have stuck it out and I do prefer Boston Bibliophile. (Odd but happy happenstance that my name was wisely chosen in the beginning of my blog's inception).
Happy Blogiversary! I love the cake! And I might add I just hate when I have to review a book you have already reviewed. I know I can never capture a book as well as you have, but it seems tacky just to say all the time, "Well head over to The Boston Bibliophile!!!" Thanks for 2 years of great writing!
I follow on Google Reader!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Happy blogging anniversary Marie! :D
(And I'm also not entering the giveaway)
Don't enter me in the giveaway because I've already read the book (and enjoyed it, by the way!), but I wanted to say Happy Anniversary! This community wouldn't be the same without you. :)
Happy Anniversary! You should be proud :)
stacybooks at yahoo
Happy Blogiversary! To many more!
Happy Birthday! The book looks good. Thanks for sharing it.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Many more years. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Congratulations! So cool to celebrate a blogging anniversary.
(Don't enter me - my TBR pile is too guilt-inducing - just wanted to stop by and give my congrats.)
Happy anniversary! I read your first post and love the way you expressed yourself. You've done very well as a lit blogger. I have a little something for you to celebrate with. You've won a copy of my chapbook of haiku. Email me with your address when you get a moment. Enjoy your cake.
*Don't enter me by the way.
Congratulations, Marie! The best!
Happy blog birthday/Anniversary. Mazel Tov!
I'm not entering your giveaway.
Happy, Happy blogaversary, and many more. I am a follower reader as you know. I have followed you even before I became a blogger. We have had nice communications with each other. Many more to come. I wish you many more. Thank you for all your help.. You are probably only one of the few beside one other blogger that reads my blog regularly. Thanks to you I found one other blogger that is Jewish that we found each other by your connection. Thank you so much for that. Maybe some day I will have a build up like you. Many more blogaveraries to come. Like always let me know about any Jewish books that come your way...
Carolina Gal's Literary Cafe,
Bagels, Books and Schmooze
Don't enter me in the giveaway Marie. I'm just here to say Happy Birthday! I hope there is many more happy years of blogging to come!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy blogiversary! Mine scuttled past without any notice, when I was on vacation in July, so I'll have to do a big something-or-other for my 2-year one, too.
I miss Graphic Novel Mondays.
worducopia/at/gmail/dot/com, I also follow your blog through Bloglines.
Boston Bibliophile is a fantastic name for your blog. It looks like you've been having a lot of fun these last couple of years.
Happy Blogiversary and here's to many more.
No need to enter me in the giveaway.
Happy Anniversary!
Your blog is the first book blog is ever read and it is my favorite.
Congrats on two years! So happy to find another wonderful book blog!
(Life by Candlelight)
No need to enter me. Just wanted to wish you a happy blogiversary!
Diary of an Eccentric
Happy Blogiversary...and best wishes for many more!! No need to enter me in the giveaway - my tbr pile is already our of control.
Happy Blogging Birthday! I hope that your blog is around for a long, long time. I love visiting here, and think you have a great talent in your reviews and interviews.
Running behind on getting around to the blogs this week. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary.
Yay, happy birthday! Here's to the terrible twos!
Congrats and Happy Blogiversary! I have only been blogging for about a year now and your blog was one of the first that I read. I've enjoyed watching your blog grow and to see you find your place. You have acccomplished a lot in the past two years!
I follow you in google reader.
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