The rain yesterday washed out our hopes of attending the annual Topsfield Fair, but all is not lost- we will go tomorrow as long as the weather looks decent. I've been going to the Topsfield Fair every year practically since birth. It's one of the nation's oldest agricultural fairs and has everything you'd want- animals, crafts, junk food, games, rides and more. I can't wait!
This past week my husband and I attended (and participated in) the IgNobel Prize ceremony, held every year at Sanders Theater in Cambridge. I did a big blog post about the Igs here, when founder and emcee Marc Abrahams gave a talk at Temple Israel in Boston. It's such a fun night. Nobel Laureates and other Ignitaries mingle with winners past and present in an atmosphere of intellectual fun and frivolity.
Finally, I'm on the lookout for a netbook that will be more portable than my wonderful, but very heavy, Mac laptop. I love Mac. I love my laptop. And I have to figure something out fast. The only problem with my laptop is that it's very heavy to schlep and to be really useful I need something lighter and smaller. We went shopping yesterday for netbook PCs and they were very, very appealing. I am waiting to make any decisions until later this month when Apple will introduce some new products, one of which is rumored to be a tablet at a little over my budget. Crossing fingers!
You can read more Sunday Salon posts here.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
The Topsfield Fair sounds like a lot of fun; I haven't been to an agricultural fair since we left Wisconsin but I used to love them! It's got all that good stuff you mentioned!!
I got a netbook this year; it's an Acer. It's nice, it's light, but the way Google Reader comes up on it, it is practically impossible to use! It's hard to explain, but has to do with the small display area. If you are testing one out, I recommend signing in to your reader to see how it looks first!
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary :)
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
You're going to love your netbook, whichever one you decide on. I recently purchased an Acer Aspire One, and I'm over the moon about it. It's so portable! I plan on switching over to it as my primary computer as soon as I can get a few more of my must-have programs onto it.
A very happy anniversary to you and your hubby! I hope you have a wonderful day. All kinds of cool stuff going on for you!
Happy anniversary!
Good luck with the search for a new laptop. I'm intrigued with the idea of the new Apple coming out, but I feel a little silly (since I already own two laptops and an Iphone) wishing for another computer.
Happy anniversary, Marie! The years pass by so quickly and yet you can't help but feel like you've known each other forever.
I'm sorry you weren't able to go to the fair. I would have gladly taken your rain instead. If only the weather was more amenable that way.
Good luck with the computer hunt!
I hope you have a great week, Marie.
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your time together, tonight.
I checked out a Dell netbook yesterday, and it didn't seem too bad. I too need a more lightweight and smaller laptop to carry around.
Happy anniversary :D
Sou8nds like a good day
Happy anniversary! Hope you and your husband had a great day :)
Happy Anniversary! That's a wonderful reason to celebrate!
Hope you had a lovely anniversary. The IgNobel Prize ceremony sounds like a wonderful event to participate in!
Happy Anniversary! Here's hoping that you get to have a great day at the fair, and that you find the perfect computer for yourself.
I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
Diary of an Eccentric
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