We finally took down our Christmas tree today- don't worry, it's fake! It's amazing how long we can procrastinate on the tree ever since we got the artificial one. I'll say though, that although I enjoy the scent of pine, it's so much less work to put it up and take it back down, I'll never get another live tree.
Mostly this week has represented a return to normal life- the tree is just the last gasp of the holiday season. Between being injured and being sick, I've been out of the gym for a month, so getting back to working out this week has been huge for me. And getting back to work tomorrow will be a good thing for me, too.
Reading-wise, I'm still working through The Passage, Justin Cronin's book coming out in June. I have a giveaway going on until January 31, if you're interested in reading it as well. I've finally convinced my husband to start reading it- there's so much about it I want to talk about, I need for him to be reading it too!
And that's about it for me. What's new with you this week?
You can read more Sunday Salon here.
For a lovely pine-scent without the real thing, I recommend Yankee Candle in the scent of "Missletoe." It's amazing. :) Not that fake-pine smell that gives headaches, just a nice sweet holiday-smell. And I'll be getting back to the gym this week as well after a long absence. Not looking forward to it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Alayne - The Crowded Leaf.
I've been lobbying for a fake tree for several years now, but my husband just won't hear of it.
I like my tree up for a month, but when it is over, it is over. I'm ready to move into January.
Oh wow, I have to have my tree down before the first. That's how it used to be done in the Deep South when I was growing up and I've just stuck with it.
LOL about the Christmas tree! But really, January can be so dull after all the dazzle of Christmas, why *not* leave it up?!!!
It was such a busy week here. Not much reading or blogging going on.I hope to get caught up on reviews and reading this week.
Have a good week!
Are you enjoying The Passage? I have it here too. Got it at ALA.
you JUST took your tree down? holy moly! We have a fake tree and took it down on 1/2/10!
Wow, I thought I was the only person in the universe whose tree was still up. I feel so much better now! Ours is also artificial, and we have no better excuse than procrastination. The ornaments are down and in storage, but we still have this large evergreen in our foyer ...
Had no idea a new Justin Cronin book is due out in June! When I was in grad school, he was my instructor for one of my writing courses. Good to know he has a new book - thanks!
LOL, our tree has been gone for several weeks, with the rest of the decorations ... EXCEPT the wreaths hanging on back and front doors (thanks for the reminder).
I send J on a business trip with my ARC of THE PASSAGE. The flight time went quickly! (he hasn't had time to pick it up since his return, though!)
lol, I took the tree down a day or so after Christmas because Kyo the brat-cat kept climbing it. BUT, it's sat in the box at the foot of the steps, waiting for the good fairy to take it up to the storage room :-D
*grr* Blogger's having issues with the Open ID today. <a href="http://thekoolaidmom.wordpress.com/>In the Shadow of Mt. TBR</a>
I only took my tree...my real tree...down last week. But I too have been sick.
all of January is is starting to seem.
There were a few needles to clean up, I admit.
I have THE PASSAGE sitting on my bedside table but haven't started it yet. Are you liking it? So much good buzz there.
Life by Candlelight
You've been out of the gym a month? I've been out, oh, about two years. Ain't missin' it much, either! :)
I'm glad you have your tree down...I vascillate between real and artificial. The artifical ones are made really well now, and it's nice not to have the needle fall-out, but I think I'd miss the balsam smell too much.
Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one to be taking down Christmas decorations. All of ours came down this past weekend, too.
We have a fake tree, and a house full of cats. The cats love to climb the tree while we are sleeping and pop off the branches onto the floor, scattering ornaments and fake snow everywhere. My husband has said that next year we are doing a real tree. I am not convinced that will solve the problem, but I am willing to try anything. We have has total destruction year after year, and last year we even decided that we wouldn't put up a tree. The kids weren't happy with that, so it was back to the climbing again this year. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your read, I will have to check out your giveaway!
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