Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Russo-Biblio-Extravaganza Giveaway- 3 *signed* copies of RUSSIAN WINTER

As part of November's Russo-Biblio-Extravaganza month of Russian books and reading, I picked up THREE SIGNED COPIES of Daphne Kalotay's new novel RUSSIAN WINTER to give away.

RUSSIAN WINTER is an exciting new novel about a Russian ballerina, her jewelry collection and her collection of memories, memories that she lingers over one by one as she auctions off her precious jewels, collected over a lifetime. It goes back and forth through time and has garnered many rave reviews.

I have three copies to give away to three lucky winners. Here are the rules:
  1. This giveaway is open the U.S. only.
  2. To enter, leave a comment here with your email address. No email address, no entry- no exceptions.
  3. Link to the giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter and leave me the link here for two extra entries each.
  4. Followers old and new get two extra entries.
  5. The contest is open until midnight EST November 30. I will select the winners with Random.org. You have the whole month to enter. I will contact the winners sometime the following weekend; each winner will have 48 hours to respond with a US mailing address. If I don't hear back in 48 hours I will select another winner.
BiblioSue reviewed Russian Winter here.
See She Is Too Fond of Books' review here.
Boston Book Bums reviewed it, too. 
    If you have reviewed the book and would like me to link to it on this post, leave it in the comments even if you don't want to enter the giveaway and I will update the post periodically with your reviews.
    Good luck!


    Anonymous said...

    I would love to read Russian Winters.


    Anonymous said...

    I tweeted at http://twitter.com/Jungleorchid/

    Anonymous said...

    I follow you.(2)

    Suzanne said...

    I read this already and reviewed here:

    Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win! I've read so any good things about this book. WordLily AT gmail DOT com

    Anonymous said...

    I tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/Wordlily/statuses/29475638863

    Anonymous said...

    I posted about the giveaway on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/hannahnielsen/posts/171811946164094

    Anonymous said...

    I'm a long-time follower of your blog!

    Meg @ write meg! said...

    I've had my eye on this one. Thanks for the chance!

    writing.meg [at] gmail.com

    rhonda said...

    would love to read it.I am a follower lomazowr@gmail.com

    Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

    I'm so wanting to read this one!!


    Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

    I'm also an old follower!


    Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

    Hi Marie - no need to enter my name in the giveaway ... I read/reviewed the novel here:


    iubookgirl said...

    This is on my to-read wishlist! Thanks for the opportunity.
    iubookgirl [at] gmail [dot] com

    Teresa said...

    I really want to read this one!

    teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com

    Teresa said...

    I am a follower.

    teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com

    Zibilee said...

    I'd love the chance to read this book, so please do enter me as well!


    Zibilee said...

    I also follow your blog via google reader.


    Bellezza said...

    How perfect for your theme...there's nothing like Russian writers espcially as Winter approaches. Literally. Thank you for the opportunity to win, how very generous of you to give away three copies! (Don't you have people on your Christmas list who'd love them? :)


    Erin said...

    You had me at Russian ballerina and then sold me completely when you mentioned jewelry :)

    Anonymous said...

    yes, please.

    l.marie.d (at) gmail.com



    ibeeeg said...

    Please enter me, I would love to read this book.


    ibeeeg said...

    I tweeted.


    Florinda said...

    This has been on my wish list for a couple of months - I'd love the chance to win a copy!

    I have been a follower/subscriber for quite some time - I forget when I started :-).

    3.rsblog AT Gmail DOT com

    Okie said...

    I've heard good things about this...please include me in the contest. I'm a new follower.

    okelberry dot chris at gmail dot com

    thanks. :)

    Audra said...

    Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower, and I tweeted!

    thesibylqueen at gamil.com

    Toni said...

    Sounds like a fascinating read. :) reikibirth at gmail dot com

    susieb said...

    I would love to read this book, and then pass it along to my mother, who is a full-blooded Russian!

    susieb said...

    I would love to read this book, and then pass it along to my mother, who is a full-blooded Russian!

    My Fair Daisy said...

    I have been dying to read this book! Please enter me :)


    Lisa said...

    I tweeted at http://twitter.com/#!/LCMerlini

    The Tome Traveller said...

    Fantastic giveaway Marie! Please enter me, this one is on my wishlist!

    Longtime follower, of course!

    thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot) com

    Belynda said...

    So looking forward to this! And might I add how very pretty you look today? ::grin:: mrscnc AT gmail DOT com

    Rachel said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!


    Anonymous said...

    I would love the opportunity to win this book.


    Valerie said...

    This looks good. My daughter attends ballet school, and her teachers have almost always been Russian (former ballet dancers as well).

    valphia at aol.com

    Ashley said...

    Would love to win a signed copy of this! I'm a follower :)
    a.d.malouin [at] gmail [dot] com

    Rob said...

    Thanks, Marie. I'd like to enter too.


    Sarah M. said...

    ooooh! :) Count me in.

    libraryhospitalblog AT GMAIL Dot COM

    I did twitter re: the give-away.
    Sent via TweetDeck as a retweet.

    And I've got a post ready for tomorrow on my book blog (http://libraryhospital.blogspot.com)

    Anonymous said...

    Please enter me! Readingwithmartinis@gmail.com. Tweeted message. On twitter at MartiniReading

    Sarah M. said...

    I forgot to link to my review: http://libraryhospital.blogspot.com/2010/10/russian-winter-by-daphne-kalotay.html

    Emily H. said...

    Great contest.

    treerose AT yahoo DOT com

    Emily H. said...

    I tweeted


    treerose AT yahoo DOT com

    MaMa said...

    This book is on my read list...can only imagine having a signed copy. Please enter me!
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

    D.A. said...

    This books sounds amazing!

    dawhittemore @ gmail dot com

    MaMa said...

    I follow :-)
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

    MaMa said...

    I tweeted here http://twitter.com/#!/Mistyfuji/status/2374415484461056
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Debbie said...

    Tweeted giveaway @reedenwright:
    From @bostonbibliophle: Enter for a signed copy of Russian Winter; book giveaway @ http://bit.ly/bFOB4x

    dawhittemore22 @ gmail (dot) com

    Debbie said...

    FB your giveaway @ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?

    dawhittemore22 @ gmail (dot) com

    A Faithful Journey said...

    Would love to win a copy of this book. kempfyre21@yahoo.com

    A Faithful Journey said...

    I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/AFthfulJrney/status/2717825122701312

    A Faithful Journey said...

    I now follow you via GFC!

    Anonymous said...

    Love the cover. Thanks for the giveaway!

    stilettostorytime at gmail dot com

    dog eared copy said...

    Posted 9:18 a.m.
    via Hootsuite

    More Horses!More Men!More Books! OK just the bks prt but 3 OF THEM! @bostonbibliophl's Russo-Biblio-Extravaganza Giveaway http://ow.ly/38TJ7


    goalmom said...

    Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!


    goalmom said...

    I just became a follower: @goalmom5


    goalmom said...

    Just tweeted about the giveaway:



    Annette W. said...

    derekannette at gmail dot com

    I have heard this is good and appreciate the chance to win! Thanks!

    Kristen M. said...

    Count me in.


    Kristen M. said...

    Just tweeted it (with an @ you) and I'm a follower!

    Tea Drinking Russophile said...

    I would love to read this book. I also love perusing your blog for more book suggestions.


    Anonymous said...

    I've so been wanting to read this one! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.


    Anonymous said...

    I posted on Facebook:



    Anonymous said...

    I posted on Twitter:



    Anonymous said...

    I'm a follower, too. :)


    Unknown said...

    I'd love to read this and am sharing on Facebook and Twitter.

    Unknown said...

    I also follow you, Marie.

    Erin said...

    Ooh, I'd love to be entered! My email address:

    erinreadsblog {at} gmail {dot} com

    I've been a GR follower for a while, but now I'm an official GFC follower as well!

    I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/ErinReadsblog/status/4665274661871616

    I also posted it on my blog's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=165427610154532&id=119247394802743


    Oblivion said...

    I've been wanting to read this book for so long now,It's too expensive in India.

    Anyways sadly I can't join but all the best to everyone else :)

    bookmagic said...

    Great giveaway! I would love to read this. I am a follower.


    Bitsy said...

    Wow, what a great giveaway! I would love to enter. I'm a follower. bitsy at exlibrisbitsy dot com

    Audra said...

    Oh dear -- gave you slightly misspelled email addy! thesibylqueen at gmail.com

    AlleluiaLu said...

    I want to enter. Here's my e-mail address: sharen@neo.rr.com and I am a new follower!


    The Mrs. said...

    I would love to read this! My email is mrshotpotato@gmx.com. Also, going to retweet and just started following you on blogger. :o)

    Shaw Kenawe said...

    Looking forward to reading this!

    shawkenawe (at) yahoo (dot)com

    Shaw Kenawe said...

    I forgot to give you the link to my blog where I have your Boston giveaway linked.

    Pam Pho said...

    I follow you :P pam@eurobands.us

    I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/bookaliciouspam/status/6756450982432769

    Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

    I would love to enter.

    Thank you. Old follower, I am.


    demmi said...

    would love to win

    Lynette Eklund said...

    Would love to win a copy of Russian Winter. producereklund at gmail dt com.

    Jen Erickson said...

    As a Mama to a Russian-born Siberian beauty I would be thrilled to win a copy of "Russian Winter." Consider it posted on my Facebook page. Spasibo.

    Jen Erickson said...

    Forgot my email: jenniferlynnerickson@yahoo.com