Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Jewish Book Carnival Time!

This month I'm privileged to host the Jewish Book Carnival, a roundup of links on Jewish books from across the blogiverse. The Jewish Book Carnival started as an initiative of the Association of Jewish Libraries and now has almost two dozen blogs and bloggers participating each month. 

And they're always looking for new folks to participate and host! If you've written a post recently about a Jewish book, I know you'd be more than welcome to join in! Just let me know & I would be happy to pass your name- and your blog- along to the organizers who'll take it from there and let you know all the details.

Here are this month's links!

Susan at Bagels, Books & Schmooze shares her review of Naomi Ragen's The Saturday Wife.

Heidi at The Book of Life podcast shares an interview with Debbie Levy, author of The Year of Goodbyes.

Erika Dreifus shares For the International Day of Commemoration: Reznikoff Reading "Holocaust".

Forwords Books shares some great books for the upcoming holiday of Purim.

At Here in HP, Leora reviews The Violin of Auschwitz, by Maria Angels Anglada.  

Amy Meltzer at Homeshuling: A Jewish Parenting Blog talks about Jewish Children's Books for Grown-ups. And a giveaway.

Jewish Comics has a great post highlighting the Graphic Details art show in Toronto- Jewish comix autobiography by women.

From Jewish Journal, Crossing UFOs and Sacred Text in a Whodunit.

Ann D. Koffsky gives us a beautiful Outer Space Coloring Page.

On Kveller, Amy Meltzer talks about A Mezuzah on the Door: Can Books Teach and Still Be Fun To Reads?

Life is Like a Library shares an interview with author Margie Gelbwasser, whose book Inconvenient, is a 2011 Sydney Taylor Notable Book for Teens. 

People of the Books, the AJL's blog, shares its wrap-up post on the recent Sydney Taylor Book Awards Blog Tour.

Rayna Eliana shares a review of The Thirteen Petalled Rose, by Adin Steinsaltz.

Rhapsody in Books reviews Foreskin's Lament, by Shalom Auslander. 

Sylvia Rouss gives us a cute video: Sammy Spider Asks, Does Eli Want a Clean Diaper?

Yaldah Books shares a great post on New Awards, New Books, New Distribution and an Important Note on the Yaldah Name.

I hope you have some time to visit these great blogs and comment to let them know you came by.

Thanks so much to everyone who participated!


Zibilee said...

Oh awesome, Marie! Thanks for sharing these links with us!

ImageNations said...

This would be a great source of information and the easiest way for ones wishlist to penetrate the roof

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see so many links. I will check them all out.

Thank you for mine.

Anonymous said...

Terrific! Thank you!!

Sarah Lamstein

Linda K. Wertheimer said...

Thanks much for posting links to such a variety of interesting reads.

Could you let folks know that I'm hosting the next one and to send ideas to me at http://linda@lindakwertheimer.com?

Best, Linda
Author of Jewish Muse blog

Kathleen said...

Thank you for sharing all of the links!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting, and hosting these great Jewish bloggers.