Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Salon: What Me Blog?

Last week was the laziest week I've had in blogging in a long time. One post?? Ridiculous. And no reviews! Crazypants!

I think I need to set up a schedule for writing my posts since the casual approach is not getting the job done. So that's going to be my Monday task for the foreseeable future, just to make sure it gets done and I have some actual content to show for myself.

This past week I've continued my short-book project and I have to say it's going really well. After I finish my current book I'll read some crime novels and make some progress on my goals for the year in that department. I haven't decided what my March theme will be. It'll either be Irish books or 2013 releases. There are some galleys that I should get to, like Herman Koch's The Dinner and others, but then again I'd love an excuse to finally read Skippy Dies. So we'll see.

Today I'm working at the bookstore in the morning and then doing who-knows-what this afternoon. Probably napping, and/or cleaning up after the birthday party I had last night. Either way coffee will play an important role in my Sunday!

What's going on with you? I hope you're having a great Sunday. More Sunday Salon on Facebook.


bermudaonion said...

I'm right there with you. I needed to write last night and chose to read instead. Of course, I don't have much content to write about right now - life is crazy.

JoAnn said...

I've tried to schedule a designated post-writing time, but just seem to lack the discipline. Good luck with your plan :-)

Bryan G. Robinson said...

So which crime novels are on your horizon? Just wondering as I love crime novels. :)

Laurie C said...

I've got coffee in my plans for today, too! One day of the 3-day weekend is already gone and I haven't worked on a single review yet. Good luck keeping to your schedule! I've often gone a week with only one post and haven't tried a schedule to get myself to do more.

Sandy Nawrot said...

I have absolutely NO discipline or schedule to help me get the reviews written. Even during the day when the kids are at school, I am rarely sitting down or even at home, so I grab a minute here and a minute there. It is crazy. And sometime in there I actually like to read! Or follow a few blogs! Hope you had a great birthday!

Harvee said...

I don't always feel like writing about the books I read, especially if I'm not wowed by them. And my reading is slower too. Good or bad thing?

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I've been a mood reader later, so if I make plans they tend not to work out. Have a good week Marie.

Kathleen said...

Reading always seems to win out over writing for me these days. I think scheduling posts is a good idea. I keep saying I am going to do it and then I don't. :)