Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Salon: To Tweet or Not to Tweet

For those of you who don't know I'm a pretty obsessive Twitter user. I've been on Twitter since 2008 and while I have had the occasional hiatus, just like I have with the blog, I've been fairly consistent and I've been tweeting a lot lately. Now that Twitter has been bought by Tesla guy Elon Musk there has been a lot of drama online, a lot of people leaving or threatening to leave or wondering if they will leave and talking about leaving. It's a lot. I'm still there and I have no plans to go anywhere.

The rest of the week has been back to business as usual. I'm still reading the same books I've been reading. I'm still working on "One Summer's Day" on piano, doing at-home and in-person volunteering and struggling through my Yiddish class. I reached out for help in my class and someone in the organization where I'm taking the class basically told me if I'm having trouble it's not because the class is too advanced for a beginner like me, it's that I'm probably just "slow" to catch on. So that was fun. 

But then yesterday my husband and I got together with our friends for dinner and a little friend time made it all better. Helen is a former book blogger and she was in town with her husband Gunnar and they caught us up on their pandemic lives. We haven't seen them in a long time and I really appreciate that she reaches out when she's in NYC.

I'm not big on posting pictures of myself on the blog but this one just makes me happy.

Have a great Sunday!

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