Today's question: Members who have your books. Do you ever look at this feature? Do you use it to make LT friends, or compare notes? There are three tabs- weighted, raw, and recent. "Weighted," which means "weighted by book obscurity and library size" is probably the least self-explanatory of the three, whereas "raw" and "recent" are more so. Do you get any kind of use out of this feature?
My answer: I've looked at it, and used it a few times to friend people or see what others have who have similar interests as evinced through their libraries. It's kind of interesting. On my profile the users who show up under the "recent" tab are mostly bloggers like me. It's fun to play with now and then.
Here is my post.
Finally a feature that wasn't a complete surprise to me! My answer is here.
Another great question, Marie! Here's my answer!
My answer is here.
My post is up here
Yes, I've used this one! And here is my response, as well as yet another adorable cat picture...
My answer is up
My post is up. I like to look at it, but not really to use it.
My answer is here.
Like George Leigh Mallory with Mt. Everest, I read the box about similar libraries "because it's there". (but I don't seek it out or add all those other books to my own mountain of TBRs)
I'm finally back in business this week. Mine's here.
My comment is up! Take a look here
Mine's up!
Here is my answer.
~ Popin
Finally got mine up. The link to it is here.
Here is the link to my answer!
I've got my answer here.
Another good question :)
My answer is up here
Like Joy, I knew about this feature too. Here is my answer.
Here is my contribution for the week.
Here's my answer.
Marie - I just meant the explanation that was given in the question. I'm a complete newbie to LibraryThing, so I really had no clue what "weighted" meant. :) I haven't spent a whole lot of time figuring out all of the features on the site yet. I love all of your questions!
My post is here!
How funny! I've been guilty of being much more forgetful than that! LOL! :)
If it's Friday, I've posted my Tuesday Thingers answer :-). It's Friday!
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