My answer: I look at the Recommendations feature and I probably have researched things I've found on it, but nothing springs to mind. It's useful when it does tell me about new things, but half of the time it's either more books in series I've already started, or things that are popular that I'm not interested in reading. I think the "special sauce" recommendations are actually really good and I enjoy perusing them. As far as where I find books to read, I have my favorite authors, and all kinds of other resources. Browsing bookstores, newsletters, LT Early Reviewers, professional journals, etc. The list goes on!
I get to be first, yay!
Here me is: It's a Reco Me This and a Reco Me That who's afraid of a Library Cat?
Fun subject! Mine's up.
Welcome to Tuesday!
Here's mine: http://printedpage.blogspot.com/2008/07/tuesday-thingers-recommendations.html
Here's mine:
Hello! Everyone, my blog is back in action.
Oops that didn't work.
If that whole address doesn't show up, click my name. I entered the permalink URL there
Good questions today! My answers are here.
I actually got in early today! I'm so happy it's Tuesday and am looking forward to reading everyone else's responses. I can always use more recommendations! :) Here is my post.
I answered too. And thekoolaidmom, do you sleep?
I do look forward to Tuesdays and checking in with everyone! My post is here.
Gotta love recommended reading. I'm up in Readerville
Another great topic to ponder! I have my post listed. Just click here for the direct link.
Thankfully I am on the ball this week! My post is here.
My post is here:
I liked this subject - here is my post!
Good topic. Here is my post.
I love this topic! I'm obsessed with recommendations and somehow want more even when I can't come close to finishing my tbrs. My post here.
Unrelated to Tuesday Thingers, I've nominated you for a blog award here!
Mine is up
Loved it! here's mine ... I may have ranted a bit on the last question (anyone else looking for a bookaholics program will understand) :)
Mine's here.
LibraryThing recommendations are like crack, and I am a junkie.
I've lurked and not posted for far too long. Forgive me.
You can find my answer here
Thanks again for Garden Spells Marie!
I had mine up this morning, but forgot to post it here!!!
Mine is up: http://familyhistorian.blogspot.com/2008/07/tuesday-thingers-july-22-2008.html.
Here is my answer. Thank you for hosting this. It's very neat and fun!
Mine is here.
Here's my answer: Worducopia: finding a good book
I'm very late, but here we are: @ The Golden Road
All right I finally got my tushie in gear and posted. Sorry everyone for the delay.
As usual, Tuesday Thingers on Friday :-).
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